
Saturday 12 October 2013

Close Encounters

So at half past seven this morning Jac and I had gone throught the woods across the field to the top gate. Directly on the other side of the gate in the lane were about 30 Freisians. I thought we could go back the way we came but some macho instinct said we should just go through them. I opened the gate held Jac on a tight lead and we made our way through them. They were a bit skittish but no real problem.

As we cleared thelane they started to follow. I turned around held out my arms and they stopped. We continued on without any further problem.

I was admiring the view down the Valley passed Merlin's Hill as we dropped down over the brow with about 200 yards to go to the cattle grid. All of a sudden I heard bellowing and looking behind I saw the heads of the cattle appearing over the brow of the hill. Then they came fully in to sight.
They were running at full tilt and towards us. I swore I heard someone shouting, "Stampede!"or was it my imagination. Anyway you can't out run cattle and our only options were to go for the hedge or turn and face them. A cow can weigh about 1500lbs, nearly ten times my weight and can do some serious damaage to the body work if they decide to collide with you. I didn't fancy going for the hedge so Jac and I turned and faced them down. I shouted a few words and held my arms out. I swear a couple of the cows rolled over laughing but in anycase they stopped long enough for us to quickly walk to the cattle grid.

Close encounters. I blame Jac talking of which it is time for his next walk.

Link ? You have to be getting on a bit to remember this

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