
Sunday 4 November 2012


I sold the painting above at an exhibition in the Library a couple of years ago. I read quite a bit and was given a book reader by Alex about a year ago. It is not a Kindle but a similar tablet for half the price. The main advantage is that it can read virtually all formats of digital books. It can hold up to 60 or 70  books. What amazes me however is the pricing structure for ebooks. An ebook uses no paper or printing and is distributed electronically. The cost must be free because you can down load virtually all the classic books at no cost from sites quite legally. (Yet for the unwary you can also buy them from Tescos). I looked at Thomas Hardy works at anything up to £7 a download whilst at Project Gutenburg you can download it for free. Lee Childs ebooks can cost around £6 pounds at Waterstones and Tescos the same price virtually as the paperback version which is often available cheaper. I use my ebook reader but wisely. There are many classics available totally free and a very good read.

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