
Wednesday 15 June 2011


The painting above is a large oil painting showing Laugharne Castle, The Boathouse and Dylan Thomas’ writing shed. It has sold this week at the exhibition. We do fine quality prints from this painting which are popular.

The weather has been pretty mixed of late. Occasionally when the wind is howling and the rain lashing down I think of some of the times we had sailing. When we were first learning to sail a yacht we went on a Course from Neyland around the coast of Pembrokeshire and across to Lundy Island.

One day we were off Linney Head sailing quite nicely when a fishing boat reported on the radio a squall of 40 knots coming our way. We just had time to reef our sails and turn into the wind before it hit us. We were fine except in the hurry I dropped some equipment overboard which we had to retrieve later.

The instructor was a lovely man called Roger who was very unassuming but very knowledgeable. I often think of him drawing the entrances to an anchorage for future reference. They were lovely line drawings, which had a serious purpose.

We sometimes saw him afterwards when we were going out sailing or Alex would see him in the Boatyard. He had been planning a round the world trip and a couple of years ago he left these shores to follow his dream. I believe he got as far as the Azores but was sadly lost at sea after setting out from there.

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